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3. HPLC System Design
HPLC System
Why is it called HPLC (High Performance/Pressure Liquid Chromatography)?
a) High Performance
b) High Pressure (operating at up to 15,000 psi)
Components of a typical HPLC System
1. Solvent
2. Pump
3. Injector
4. HPLC column
5. Detector
6. PC for Data Acquisition
7. Waste
Many modern HPLC systems contain additional design components, such as a degasser, vacuum pump, autosampler, and multiple detectors.
1. Intro & Theory
2. Getting started with HPLC
3. HPLC Operation
4. Troubleshooting
5. Maintenance
6. Autosampler
7. Terpenes
8. Kratom
- Articles coming soon
9. Cloud-based Multi-user mode
10. Advanced troubleshooting